Nd-Fe-B magnets


Material Introduction

Neodymium-Iron-Boron (NdFeB) magnetic materials, hailed as the King of Modern Magnetism,are a type of high-performance rare-earth permanent magnetic material.  The main components of NdFeB magnetic materials are neodymium, iron, and boron. Through special alloy preparation techniques and magnet processing, these materials form permanent magnets with extremely high magnetic performance. Their residual magnetic flux density and coercive force can reach up to 1.4 Tesla and 900 kA/m, respectively, which are 5-10 times higher than those of ordinary permanent magnets. This allows NdFeB magnets to provide much greater magnetic flux in the same volume or significantly reduce the volume to achieve the same magnetic flux.

Applied industry 

NdFeB Magnetic Materials have been widely used in new energy vehicles,high-end industrial motors,consumer electronics,robots,energy-saving home appliances,instrumentation,nuclear magnetic resonance,rail transit and other fields that require smaller,lighter,greener,and more efficient magnets with higher stability.

Machining and Service

All shapes of magnets can be supplied after grinding, electric wire spark cutting, mechanical drilling and cutting, and other methods.

● All kinds of magnets with coating can be supplied, such as electric coating, electroplating and phosphorizing and so on. It is guaranteed that the product will have a good appearance and anti-corrosion characteristics. 

● The magnet can be magnetized in single, multi and radial directions. 

● According to the needs of customers, magnet can be aged, demagnetized, re-magnetized after demagnetization.

● The chemical compositions of raw materials and magnets can be analyzed by ICP. The magnet microstructure can be ovserved by microscope and magnetic powder size distribution measured by the Laser Particle Size Analyzer. The magnetic properties can be tested by means of B-H tester at both ambient and high temperatures. 

● The coating layer can be analyzed by means of SST, PCT, HHT, dropping and layer thickness tester.

● The magnetic circuit analysis and design can be offered for customer.

● Magnets with special characteristics are also available at the request of customers. 

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